
Panama by Train

Trains - Tickets - Routes

A Travel Guide For Train Travel In Panama.

Here you will find information for Panama about trains, routes, tours, connections, where to buy train tickets, and more.

Panama Map Icon

Useful Information

Population: 4.33 million

Currency: Balboa

Language: Spanish

Capital: Panama City

Country Code: +507

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Train Companies

The only train connection in Panama is the Panama Canal Railway between Panama City and Colón. It is operated by the Panama Canal Railway Company.


Train Tickets

Buy your train tickets for Panama at the train stations or at the Panarail offices. The tickets cost $25 per person for one way.

Rail Passes

There are no rail passes available for Panama.


There is only one train route in Panama. The Panama Canal Railway connecting Panama City and Colón. There are five luxury passenger cars with seats and snack service.


Frequently Travelled Routes In Panama


From > To
Duration (h) Changes Transport
Panama City to Colón 1:00 Direct Train (Panama Canal Railway)
Colón to Panama City 1:00 Direct Train (Panama Canal Railway)


Panama travel routes

No results found.

Main Train Stations

  • Panama City
  • Colón

Train Tours in Panama

Good to know

Best Time To Travel To Panama

We recommend visiting Panama, anywhere from December to April because these months prove to be the driest. Anytime is worth a visit but we recommend avoiding visiting in November, as this the month with the heaviest rainfall and several local holidays where shops and accommodations often close down.

Panama offers plenty of adventure sports, nature, and culture. Enjoy biking along the Panama Canal, trekking in the jungle, visiting the Chiriqui Highlands, or scaling a volcano. Spot dolphins, manta rays, sloths, monkeys, and more throughout your time in Panama, or go on a bird watching trip where you can see a whole spectrum of hundreds of species of amazing birds.

Get a unique cultural experience by spending a day with the Emberá, a semi-nomadic people, wander through Casco Viejo in Panama City or attend the Carnaval de Las Tablas where you can familiarize yourself with the traditional folk music and dance. Don’t forget to eat some tasajo and hojaldra before leaving!


  • High Season: December – April
  • Low Season: May – November
  • Dry Season: December – April
  • Wet Season: May – November

Accommodation In Panama


The best place to find cheap hotels for is to book by www.booking.com. There you will find a large selection of cheap hotels, hostels, and apartments. > BOOK HERE



If you are looking for a low budget accommodation, then go on www.hostelworld.com. They have the best choice of cheap hostels for backpackers and low budget travelers. > BOOK HERE

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Guidebooks For Panama

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